Christmas 2001 was our last at our previous location, which Tim first decorated as a single guy in 1996. For 2001, several new trees were lit up. We made more use of solid-color lights which made the display appear more colorful (although these digital camera photos don’t really do the color justice). We discovered that using multiple solid colors makes the display a lot more colorful than multi-lights, a trend we continue to use today. For example, the trees in conjunction with our Merry Christmas Sign were changed from multi to solid-color. An 8-foot tall inflatable fabric snowman was added, one of the first two Christmas inflatables available on the market (the other was a Santa… today there are hundreds of different styles). Four-foot illuminated fabric Santa and Snowman figures were also added.
The Linus Shares the Gospel display saw some improvements as well We replaced over half of the slides to make them more readable, and a new slide was added in memory of our dog Sampson, who passed away in October of that year. An American Flag made out of mini-lights was added in memory of the victims of Sept. 11, 2001 and the resulting war on terrorism.
Starting in June of that year, we created a blog of design ideas for the 2001 display.